"Ready to STOP being a "best-kept secret" and START being a household name?
Then it's YOUR time to step up, step out, and
cash in with the secret that's been the pivotal
key to my seven-million dollar success!"
So ... how long has this been going on? But more importantly ... how much longer can it continue before it puts you out of business?
You know what I'm talking about.
Maybe you help people make money (and a lot of it) when everything else they've tried has failed. Or help them find love in no time flat. Or show them how to lose weight and rediscover the energy and vitality they had 20 years ago ...
Whatever it is, you KNOW what you do changes lives. The problem is, you're the ONLY one who seems to know. And its killing your business.
Well, there is! And you're just one click away from making it happen!
Introducing: Video for Millions.

The first course that reveals the secrets of how I used the power of video to build my business to over six million a year. Sell out every single program I launch. Fill my events with up to a thousand people.
Even land a book on the New York Times Best-Seller List!
And I know amazing things are waiting for you as well!
When you sign up now!

VIDEO FOR MILLIONS is your step-by-step guide that shows you how to stop hiding, and put your one-of-a-kind genius on camera. That not only reveals your brilliance to millions around the globe. But funnels scores of your ideal clients right into your products and programs.
The moment I began doing video 4 1/2 years ago, it was like the floodgates for profit opened. More people purchased my products. More enrolled in my programs. Every year I used video, my business brought in millions. And it's played a crucial role in every launch, promotion and event I've done since.
I would not be where I am now without the power
of video to Connect. Captivate. And Close!
When you sign up NOW for Video For Millions, you receive:
- Five powerful Video Success Training Modules, with all the training you need to get over any video fears. And start creating great looking video that get your prospects to fall in love with you. And BUY!
- Four Q&A Coaching Calls with Hell Yeah Studios Creative Director Jimbo Marshall. That same access and expertise Our Hell Yeah Studios VIP clients pay thousands for ... at a fraction of the price!
- Our amazing, private Video for Millions Facebook Group.
To share your breakthroughs. Receive support. And (most important of all!) to upload your videos in a safe supportive environment. You simply won't believe what it feels like to see your own videos online getting rave reviews! - Plus powerful bonuses you won't find anywhere else, that makes video for Millions the breakthrough value of the year!
But there's something even more special about this course. Because even with everything Video for Millions delivers, there is one incredible advantage NO OTHER video course can match. (And that's not hype!)
Because for the last 4 1/2 years the mastermind behind every marketing video I've put out there is Hell Yeah Studios Creative Director Jimbo Marshall. And for one of the few times in the history of my company, I'm giving you access to Jimbo, to help guide your own video breakthroughs!
Jimbo is not only a creative genius ... but he has the soft touch that supports scores of entrepreneurs who trembled at the thought of getting in front of a camera, to come out of their shell. And create videos that grew their lists. And made big money!

I can't imagine anyone more qualified to show you the secrets to your own powerful video presence.
Because even before I tapped him to join my company, Jimbo travelled the world as a producer for the Discovery Channel, assisting with video productions from the Great Wall of China to a shark tank in South Africa. He's had a hand in the production of over 500 infomercials, and has produced video for a jaw-dropping who's who of internet marketing giants, including:
David Neagle
Ali Brown
Lisa Sasevich
Pamela Bruner
Andrea Lee
And of course ... his videos for my company have been pivotal in launches that have brought in millions of dollars in profits.
But even more important than this incredible record of achievement ... Jimbo knows EXACTLY how to bring out what makes you shine: Your personality, your point of view, and yes, even your quirks! And get it on video so your ideal prospects fall in love with you. And, more importantly, buy from you. Again and again.
No other video training offers Jimbo's experience. His track record. And his ability to help you stop hiding ... and claim the success you yearn for!
You'll know just how powerful and how different Video for Millions is the moment you get access to our five one-of-a-kind Video Success Training Modules.
Video Lesson One:
Performance Matters
It's the one critical area so many video trainings miss. But is pivotal to your success: Your performance on camera. The good news is, it's a lot simpler (and way more fun!) than you can even imagine! In this first video training lesson, you'll discover simple avenues to tap into your own natural performance style.
Because coming across on video isn't about being a picture-perfect spokesmodel. Or having "Vanity Fair" good looks. Its about you being YOU! You won't believe how freeing this is (and how effective). Until you get access to this game-changing training!

Video Lesson Two:
Scripting and Content
Other than how you look, the biggest video fear is:
- What do I say?
- And how can I say it so people opt-in. And buy?
Relax ... we've got your back! Jimbo has guided literally hundreds of entrepreneurs through this powerful system. And seen their fear turn to delight and confidence once they receive these powerful scripting and content secrets.
This step-by-step video training will show you:

- How to write killer video scripts that captivate your viewers. Even if you're a lousy writer!
- What your videos must contain (and what you must leave out) to make sure your viewers hang on your every word.
- How to find attention-grabbing material that keeps viewers coming back (and buying) time after time. Once you know this, you'll never ask, "What should my videos be about?" again!
- How to write a script for your opt-in videos that converts like crazy. To boost your list, and your bottom line.
- And the best part is: We'll show you how to make it simple ... and come off like a seasoned professional to boot!
Video Lesson Three:
Tech Terror ... Be Gone (Forever!)
You probably know ... I can barley turn on a computer. But that didn't stop me from creating videos that generated millions in revenue. Because the truth is ... if you can handle a smart phone ... you've got this!
Even if you hate techie stuff, you'll love this module.
PLUS... Jimbo will reveal a few extra scripting secrets that are just as powerful as the ones he presented in Video Session Two!

Video Lesson Four:
Putting it All Together & Crafting
Your Video Millions Plan
Everyone is different. With different goals and different businesses. So you're going to LOVE Session Four, because it's where we bring everything together to help you craft your own custom Video Millions Profit Plan.
Whether it's creating a massive following with videos on Facebook or YouTube, catapulting your list with the Opt-in Video for your amazing freebie, or crafting a video that converts like crazy for the top of your sales pages ... we'll show you how to take everything you've discovered in Video Sessions 1-3, and craft videos that vault your business ahead ... big time!

Video Lesson Five:
Social Media Hacks
Learn how to use video for social media in our quick how to for SnapChat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We will debunk the myths around video on social media, show you how you can quickly gain traction with some simple strategies and information that will unlock the profitability of social media and skyrocket your reach.

And to ensure you have everything you need to move ahead ... in the week following each Video Success Training is a live Q&A Session with Jimbo!
With his decades of production experience there isn't a problem he hasn't seen. There isn't a creative idea he hasn't had. There isn't a tip he doesn't know. So regardless of how tough you think your question or challenge is, you will be shocked how fast Jimbo puts your concerns to rest. And dissolves your challenges.
Even one session of Q&A access to Jimbo is priceless. But with Video for Millions ... you get FOUR! And each and every Q&A call is recorded. So if you can't make it live you can listen to every powerful answer as many times as you want!

It's true: This is the video success plan you've been searching for. That not only reveals how you can create video. But create video that makes millions.
So ... what are you waiting for? Reserve your spot now!
While its already the best video training on the web, I want to make absolutely sure Video for Millions launches you on the path to your dream business! So I'm adding powerful extras that make this a total no-brainer!
I'm leaving no stone unturned to make this the game-changer you've been seeking. To make it easy for you to succeed and almost impossible for you to fail. So when you sign up for Video for Millions now, you also receive:
Our Video for Millions Worksheets & Checklists:
There is a difference between knowing what to do. And actually doing it. That's why we've packed the Video for Millions program with step-by-step worksheets and checklists. Everything you need to ensure you take that steps that allow your videos to change your business and your life.

Jimbo's Secret Vault 'O Video
While we're giving you everything we can possibly think of to support your success, Jimbo will also be dipping into his video archives to give you powerful bonus training videos.

Your Own "Shoot From Home Like a Pro" Kit
Includes the amazing Slingshot (a very cool combination tripod and handheld grip for your iPhone or smartphone). Plus our one-of-a-kind home shooting booklet. Both the Slingshot and the booklet make shooting in your home studio (or out on location) so simple, you'll find yourself creating videos EVERYWHERE!

Our personal Hell Yeah Studios Video Resource Rolodex
If there's an ace-in-the-hole resource ... you'll know about it. If there's something crappy you should avoid ... we'll tell you about it. Its all here in our one-of-a-kind Hell Yeah Studios Video Resource Rolodex.

Never Before Revealed Insider Video Success Secrets
When you've been doing video as long as we have, you've seen everything. And while we've been holding most of these secrets close to the vest, we will finally be revealing them. But ONLY to our Video for Millions Tribe!

But the bonus we are most excited about is a complementary ticket to our blockbuster one-day LIVE Video Workshop, led by Jimbo Marshall himself!And because we believe in this training like nothing else, you also receive our amazing Video for Millions guarantee!
How special is it? Its the only one we have scheduled for this ENTIRE year. And you'll have access to Jimbo for a powerful event that unlocks even more secrets to video that has big-time impact. And generates big time profits!
Including a powerful live demo you'll have to see to believe. That shows you ANYONE can shoot videos that add big dollars to your bottom line.

And because we believe in this training like nothing else, you also receive our amazing Video for Millions guarantee!

Try the Program for 30 days totally risk free! Our commitment is showing you how to use powerful videos to step up, stand out, and grab your share of the spotlight. And the profits that come from it!
That's why we invite you to participate in our Video for Millions Program for a full 30 days and if you don't feel we've delivered on our promise within those 30 days, we'll happily refund 100% of your money.
PLEASE NOTE: We require your completed assignments from all 4 teaching modules before we process your refund. Why? Because we know that when you take action and use our Video for Millions Success Secrets, you'll get results.
We know it. We have seen it. It will happen for you!
So ... when you sign up now for Video for Millions, you receive:
Five powerful video training modules
with all the training you need to get over your fear. And start creating engaging, great looking videos that get your prospects to fall in love with you. And BUY!
($1000 value!)

Four Q&A Coaching Sessions
with Hell Yeah Studios Creative Director Jimbo Marshall. The same access and expertise Our Hell Yeah Studios clients pay thousands for ... at a fraction of the price!
($2000 value!)

Recordings of EVERY Q&A Session
so you can absorb new secrets each time you listen.
($500 value!)

Our amazing, private Video for Millions Facebook Group
To share your breakthroughs. Receive support. And (most important of all!) to upload your videos in a safe supportive environment. You simply won't believe what it feels like to see your own videos online ... getting rave reviews!
($2000 value!)

Our Video for Millions Worksheets & Checklists:
There a difference between knowing what to do. And actually doing it. That's why we've packed the Video for Millions program with step-by-step worksheets and checklists. Everything you need to ensure you take that steps that allows your own video to change your business. And change your life.
($400 value!)

Jimbo's Secret Vault 'o Video
While we're giving you everything we can possibly think of to support your success, Jimbo will also be dipping into his video archives to give you powerful bonus training videos.
($400 value!)

Our "Shoot From Home Like a Pro" Kit:
Includes the amazing Slingshot (a very cool combination tripod and handheld grip for your iPhone or smartphone). Plus our one-of-a-kind home shooting booklet.

Our personal Hell Yeah Studios Video Resource Rolodex:
Every resource you need to create profit-producing videos are all here in our one-of-a-kind Hell Yeah Studios Video Resource Rolodex.
($400 value!)

Never Before Revealed Insider Video Success Secrets
When you've been doing video as long as we have, you've seen everything. And while we've been holding most of these secrets close to the vest, we will finally be revealing them. But ONLY to our Video for Millions Tribe!
($400 value!)

And don't forget ... a complementary ticket to our blockbuster
One Day Live Video Workshop with Jimbo Marshall!
($500 value!)

Where else can you discover almost $7,000 in value ... plus the incomparable genius, guidance and experience of Hell Yeah Studios Creative Director Jimbo Marshall ... for an investment that's the Deal of the Year!
So ... what could you possibly be waiting for?
And to make this once-in-lifetime opportunity absolutely irresistible, the first 27 who sign-up receive a Video Profits Review Session with Jimbo!
Shoot any video of 5 minutes or less ... and Jimbo will get on the phone with you. To tell you where you nailed it. Give you specifics on what you can do to make it rock even more. And provide that professional guidance that takes your videos from "nice" to WOW!
A $1000 VALUE! But if you're one of the first 27 to sign up ... its yours for FREE!
- All Sessions
- 6:00 PM Eastern Time
- 10:00 PM Pacific Time
Monday, July 5Lesson One: Performance Matters
Monday, July 12Q&A Session #1
Monday, July 19Lesson Two: Scripting and Content
Monday, July 26Q&A Session #2
Monday, August 2Lesson Three: Tech Terror ... Be Gone (Forever!)
Monday, August 9Q&A Session #3
Monday, August 16Lesson Four: Putting it All Together
Monday, August 30Q&A Session #4
Monday, September 6Lesson Five: Social Media Hacks
AND dont forget: August 8, 2016 @10AM in Murrells Inlet,
SC our incredible 1 day live video training with Jimbo.
You've asked me and begged me to show you how to break through your video fear. To move through the wall of invisibility. To get you to stop hiding. And claim your own share of the spotlight that leads to the profits you've been dreaming of. And the life you yearn for.
You've asked me to show you exactly how I create the videos that have made millions.
And you've pleaded with me to make it simple. So you can take it and run with it. So you can get started immediately. And start saying to yourself, "Wow, why didn't I do this sooner?"